Homeowners Insurance Articles

Understanding the Different Types of Homeowners Insurance Policies

Owning a home is one of the most significant investments many people make in their lifetimes. It provides not only […]

Homeowners Insurance for First-Time Homebuyers

Home insurance is a type of insurance that covers the risks of damage or loss to your home and its […]

Mortgage Insurance vs Homeowners Insurance: Do You Know the Difference?

Mortgage insurance vs homeowners insurance. Po-tay-to, po-tah-to, right? They’re both complicated investment terms that are pretty much the same thing. […]

Homeowners Insurance: Is Water Damage Covered?

Canadians spend nearly $2 billion on water damage in one year alone. Everything from flooding to pipe bursts drives water damage […]

Shop Smart: What to Look for in Homeowners Insurance

Everyone who owns a home needs homeowners insurance. That much is easy to comprehend. But the trickier part for more […]

What Does Homeowner's Insurance Not Cover? Your Preparation Guide

Are you in the process of buying a new home? Do you know exactly what your homeowners insurance covers? Every […]

Do I Need Homeowner's Insurance? Is Homeowner's Insurance Required? We Explain

Did you know that in 2016, 67.8% (or 9.5 million) of the 14.1 million Canadian households owned their home? That's […]

How Much Homeowner's Insurance Do I Need? Here's Your Answer

"How much homeowner's insurance do I need,"? This question is popular with people who understand the dangers facing homes and […]

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