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Related to "health"

Burial Insurance for Parents: What You Need to Know

No one wants to think about a parent's death. But, we all die at some point. It's wise to be […]

Protect Your Teeth: Understanding Dental Insurance

Over the years, many adults have decided to forgo dental work altogether. There could be many reasons why, including price, […]

What Does the Average Prepaid Funeral Cost?

As we get older we have a lot of things to consider when it comes to our health and family. […]

What is Travel Insurance? And the Reasons You Need to Get Some

One of the best things we can take on vacation is something that doesn't go into a suitcase. Travel insurance […]

What is Funeral Insurance and Do You Need It?

If you're like most people, you don't want to think about your eventual demise. It's not that death is taboo, it's […]

Is Your Employer Life Insurance Really Enough?

Almost 9 out of every 1000 people living in the country of Canada will pass away today. That death toll […]

Dental Insurance Cost: Is it Worth It?

While many forms of healthcare are covered under the Canada Care Act, dental work is not. If you want to […]

Is Your Child Sick Every Winter? Here's What You Need to Do

Flu season is around the corner. As a parent, it's your responsibility to keep your children healthy. Simple preventive measures, […]

What to Expect During Your Life Insurance Medical Exam

Health is wealth, and in more than one way. As it turns out, good health can save you more money […]

How to Choose the Best Term Insurance Policy for Your Needs

Insurance is a piece of mind product. A good insurance policy assures you that your loved ones won't suffer financially […]

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