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Related to "taxes"

Mortgage Calculator Canada: What You Need to Know

Do you know how much your mortgage is or how to find out how large of a mortgage you can […]

Work Permit Canada - Eligibility, Application Process and What to Expect

Did you know that Canada has been ranked one of the happiest countries on the planet? This is based on […]

Preparing for the Canadian Citizenship Test: Top 5 Tips

There are many reasons why a non-Canadian would choose to live in Canada, such as establishing or joining a family, […]

Business Immigration Canada - A Guide to the Program

As a robust economy and a business-friendly nation, Canada is motivated to promote the immigration of successful business owners and […]

Understanding Life Insurance for Children in Canada

Over 22 million Canadians hold life insurance policies. Only a tiny fraction of these policies cover children.  But why do parents […]

10 Things You Should Know About Joint Life Insurance

Both you and your spouse need insurance, so why not purchase joint life insurance? Here are 10 things you should […]

SIN Number: Application, Renewals and the Process If You Lost It

Did you know that Canada welcomed 184,000 new immigrants in 2020? At the beginning of 2022, in January alone Canada accepted […]

How to Immigrate to Canada: 6 Ways to Consider

Moving to Canada can be a fruitful endeavour for anyone looking for safer neighbourhoods, better healthcare, and more employment options. […]

Canadian Citizenship Application: Requirements and Steps

Are you considering becoming a Canadian citizen? The Canadian citizenship application process is open for people who have maintained permanent […]

Parking Ticket in Toronto: How to Deal with It?

Did you know that in 2019 there were more than 2.2 million parking tickets issued in Toronto earning over $60 million in […]

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