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Related to "car insurance"

The Benefits of Living in Adult Retirement Homes

In 2016, 6.8% of Canadians over 65 and 30% of Canadians over 85 were living in adult retirement communities. As […]

Home To Go | A Comprehensive Review

Booking a place to stay can be one of the most stressful things when planning a trip. Not only are you […]

How to Obtain Custom License Plates | Prices, Process, Personalization

With more than 12.8 million vehicles registered in Ontario, how are you supposed to make yours stand out? If you […]

Do You Need a Prescription for CBD Oil in Canada?

Did you know that, in October 2019, CBD oil used in medical cannabis sessions by Canadian consumers was used 9% […]

Top Out Your Investments: Oaken GIC Rates

What do you think of when you hear the word investing? Do you think of rich men in suits, sitting […]

Who Qualifies for the Alberta Child and Family Benefit?

Do you have a low-income or modest income for your household size? Does your household include children? You may qualify […]

TFSA vs. RRSP: Which is Best for You?

1 in 4 Canadians don't understand the difference between Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSAs) and Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSPs), even though they […]

Everything About Identity Theft and How to Prevent It

Did you know that 57% of Canadian internet users experienced a cybersecurity incident? With the current health crisis, cybercrimes became […]

The Canadian Penny: Understanding the Value of the Canadian Penny

Do you have a few pennies lying around? Then you may be sitting on a treasure trove. Ever since the […]

Credit Verify: Credit Score Monitoring 2021

Keeping a close eye on your credit score is an essential practice if you want to maintain your financial health. […]

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