In a time when prices are going up and it's tough to keep your finances stable, keeping a close watch on your budget is really important. This skill can help anyone, regardless of how much money they have, to stay financially strong and do well. Allow us to introduce the features of the Insurdinary App - an easy to use expense tracker that puts you in control of your budget.
Take Control of Your Finances
Download the Insurdinary App now.
Create Up to 5 Expense Trackers
The Insurdinary App allows you to create up to five Expense Trackers, so that you can easily separate transactions from various financial accounts. You can also view the combined total value of your Trackers right on the home page.
Adding a Transaction
To input an expense, income, or budget, simply tap the plus button located at the bottom of the screen. When entering a transaction, it's necessary to designate a category, except for income, which is automatically classified as such. Additionally, you must select the Tracker where you want the transaction to be recorded. The "Details" field is provided for optional notes, while the "Date" field is pre-filled with today's date, though you can adjust it as needed.
For added convenience, you can set your expense, income, or budget as a recurring monthly transaction by activating the toggle next to the "Repeat each month" option. This ensures that the transaction will automatically repeat on the chosen day for each subsequent month.
Visualize Your Spending
Tap on a Tracker or your Total Balance to explore your expenses, income, and budgets in greater detail.
Spin the Expense Wheel within a Tracker or overview to focus on specific categories and see the transactions linked to them. You can tap inside or outside the wheel to return to all transactions view.
Manage Your Trackers
Long-press (tap & hold) on any Tracker to access its summary page. This page shows an individual Tracker’s total number of transactions, total expenses and income, as well as which expense categories you spend the most and the least on. You can also rename or delete a Tracker from the summary page.
Transaction List Page
Explore your transactions in a list view by tapping on the magnifying glass in the upper right corner. Filter by Tracker, date, income, expenses, or transactions totals for a detailed overview. It's your tool for examining your financial transactions closely.
Statistics Page
Access the Statistics page by tapping the graph icon in the upper right corner of the home page. Here, you can analyze and compare your spending habits on a monthly or yearly basis, either from a specific Expense Tracker or across all Trackers simultaneously.
Planned Features: How We Plan To Keep Improving
Insurdinary App is constantly evolving to better meet your financial and budgeting needs. Stay tuned for upcoming features like creating your own expense categories, setting up push notifications, and importing/exporting transaction data.