Panama Travel Insurance

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Travel Insurance Overview

panama flag

Panama continues to attract tourists across the world, thanks to its world-class diving, fishing, snorkeling, and sailing. Panama has a U.S style city with first world infrastructure, it is the best place for ecotourism and nature travel. It is a safe and tourist-friendly destination with lots of attractions.

Canadians visit Panama for several reasons ranging from trade to tourism. In 2017, Canada’s two-way trading with Panama was valued at $161 million with export at $151 million and import at $10.5 million.

When traveling to Panama, you need to have the right Panama travel insurance or private medical coverage to protect you and your loved ones in case of medical emergencies abroad. Your provincial plan will not cover you abroad this is why you need to have the right travel insurance for all-round coverage when you travel.

To get an instant quote on Panama travel insurance, click here.

Travel Insurance Details

Basic Information About Panama

Some important information on Panama Travel Insurance that we think you’ll want to know before you travel.

Name Value
Currency United States Dollar, Panamanian balboa
Official language Spanish
Capital Panama City
Continent North America
Population Approx. 4.1 million
Plug type Plug type A and B
Driving side Right-hand side
  • Spring - March to May
  • Summer - June to August
  • Autumn - September to November
  • Winter - December to February
Laws Local laws and customs

To read more about Panama travel insurance, click here.

Panama Security Measures for travelers

The decision to travel to Panama is your choice and you are also responsible for your personal safety abroad. However, since we care about your safety and security, we provide you reliable and credible information in our Travel Advice to help you to make well-informed decisions when you travel to the Central American country.

Risk Level

Panama – Take normal security precautions.

  • Due to the high level of crime, exercise a high degree of caution when traveling to Colón and some other parts of Panama City.
  • Due to the extremely high level of violent crime avoid all travel to the areas beyond the town of Yaviza in Darien Province to the Colombian border.

Travel Health Notice – Zika virus

The Public Health Agency of Canada advises travelers to practice special health precautions in Panama due to the Zika virus. Pregnant and would-be pregnant women should avoid traveling to Panama.

Entry / Exit requirements

Just like every other country, Panama decides who enters or exits its borders. The Canadian government will not intervene on your behalf if you do not meet the country’s entry or exit requirements.

The information on this page was obtained from Panamanian authorities; however, it can change at any time. Moreover, you can verify the information with foreign diplomatic missions and consulates in Canada.


The type of passport you use to travel determines the entry requirements that apply to you. Contact your transportation company about passport requirements before you travel.

  • Regular Canadian Passport - You need to hold a passport valid for a minimum of three months beyond your expected duration of stay in Panama.
  • Passport for official travel - Different rules may apply. Learn more about official travel here.
  • Other travel documents - The rules that apply when traveling with a temporary passport or an emergency travel document may differ. Find out about entry rules from the closest diplomatic mission for Panama before you leave.

Useful Links

To learn more about Panama travel insurance, click here.

Panama Healthcare

Panama has both public and private hospitals and health care centers. The quality of healthcare in the North American country is standard but medical treatments could be expensive. When traveling to Panama, you need to go with enough money to cover some potential costs because some doctors may require cash payments. You also need the right Panama travel insurance for coverage against medical emergencies, hospitalization and accidents.

For more information about healthcare in Panama, click here.

Panama Travel Insurance News

Karen and Eric Miles started looking for a place to retire in 2012 at the end of one of the cold winters in Ottawa. They ruled out the United States and when they considered warmer locations in Canada, they were out of budget. Mr. Miles worked for 30 years as a non-commissioned officer in the military before he retired. The couple lived on Mr. Miles’ government pension accumulated over the years.

After considering several locations, the Miles will be whiling away their days in Panama where the temperature stands around 30 degrees throughout the year and they won’t have to worry about shoveling snow.

The Miles is among the growing number of Canadians who decided to leave the snowy environment, look away from the United States and look for a place with a much warmer temperature. The couple chose Panama due to the chance it offers them to live the good live at a discount.

To learn more about Panama travel insurance news click here.

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Panama Travel Insurance FAQ

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Can I buy travel insurance the day I leave?

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