Ghana Travel Insurance

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Travel Insurance Overview

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Canada and Ghana have had bilateral relations for a long time. Ghana was the first African country to receive development assistance from Canada in 1957. Since then, it has received over $2.5 billion in development assistance from Canada.

In addition, Canada has trade relations with Ghana. Canadians usually visit Ghana for tourism, trade, and development. Although health care facilities in Ghana are not up to Canada’s standard and medical cost may not be as high as that of Canada, you need to have Ghana travel insurance policy before you travel to avoid spending money out of pocket in case of illness or injury.

To get an instant quote on Ghana travel insurance, click here.

Basic Information About Ghana

Some important information on Ghana Travel Insurance that we think you’ll want to know before you travel.

Name Value
Currency Cedi
Official language English
Capital Accra
Continent Africa
Population Approx. 28 million
Plug type Plug type D and G
Driving side Right-hand side
  • Spring - March to May
  • Summer - June to August
  • Autumn - September to November
  • Winter - December to February
Laws Local laws and customs


To read more about Ghana travel insurance, click here.

Ghana Security Measures for travelers

The Government of Canada will not be responsible for your personal safety and security if you travel to Ghana. But since we care about the safety and security of Canadians abroad, we provide you timely and relevant information in our Travel Advice to guide you in making the right decision as you travel out of Canada.

Risk Level

Ghana – Exercise a high degree of caution due to petty crime.

Entry / Exit requirements

The Government of Ghana can decide who enters or exits its borders. However, if you do not meet the entry and exit requirements for Ghana, the Government of Canada will not intervene on your behalf.

The information on this page was obtained from Ghanaian authorities, however, it can change at any time. Moreover, you can verify the information with foreign diplomatic missions and consulates in Canada.


The type of passport you use to travel determines the entry requirements that apply. Find out about passport requirements from your transportation company before you leave.

  • Regular Canadian Passport - Before traveling to Ghana, you need to hold a passport valid for at least six months beyond the duration you intend to stay in Ghana.
  • Passport for official travel - Different rules may apply. Learn more about official travel here.
  • Other travel documents - The entry rule may differ when you travel with an emergency travel document or a temporary passport. Check with the closest diplomatic mission for Ghana before you travel.

Useful Links

To learn more about Ghana travel insurance, click here.

Ghana Healthcare

There are private and public hospitals and healthcare centers in Ghana. Healthcare facilities in Ghana may not be up to Canada’s standard but medical treatment could be costly if you don’t have adequate Ghana travel insurance. It is also important to have enough cash when you travel to cater for medical expenses because some hospital may require cash payment.

For more information about healthcare in Ghana, click here.

Ghana Travel Insurance News

Kim Moran, a British Columbian mother took an emergency trip back to Ghana due to her deteriorating health and left her two-year-old adopted son, Ayo from Nigeria.

Moran suffered from multiple sclerosis and has been bound to the wheelchair and not able to walk. Moran, an Abbotsford resident, was hospitalized in Accra, Ghana. She has been living in Accra with her child since August while she awaits his Canadian immigration paperwork.

Kim told Global News while choking back tears that it was heartbreaking to have to leave and walk away.

To learn more about Ghana travel insurance news click here.

Travel Insurance Related Pages

Ghana Travel Insurance FAQ

Do you need a Visa for travelling to Ghana?

Can I buy multiple travel insurance policies?

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Can I buy travel insurance the day I leave?

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