Alberta Life Insurance Plans

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Alberta Life Insurance Overview

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Alberta, just like Ontario, has a considerable life insurance cost. However, rates for Alberta life insurance could be a bit higher when compared to the life insurance rates in other Canadian provinces due to the high cost of living in Alberta. You definitely want the best life insurance rate in Alberta at the most competitive price; this is what Insurdinary offers. We will connect you to insurance advisors who will guide you through the process of obtaining the best life insurance quotes and will help you get the best quotes that meet your objectives. We understand the immense importance of life insurance coverage to you and your family. Financial and life uncertainties do not give warning signs before occurring. If they occur, you probably would not need Alberta life insurance coverage. But you need to protect yourself and your family against financial uncertainties that could erode your entire life savings in a day and end up leaving you miserable. Getting the right life insurance coverage in Alberta does not come easy. You probably know what you want in the life insurance coverage but you also need to dig deep and search for it. There are lots of life insurance providers in Alberta and each one offers various services. You need to have an eye for the best services at the best rate but going through all the processes could be overkill for you. The insurance advisors can help you to get the best Alberta life insurance quotes to make the entire process a lot easier for you. To learn more about life insurance in Alberta click here.

Alberta Life Insurance Details

Compare Life Insurance Quotes in Alberta

Two of the major reasons why Albertans end up settling for the wrong life insurance option are because they either do not know what they want or they do not review the available policy options on Alberta life insurance. To get the best life insurance quotes in Alberta, you need to make out time to do quality research. If you have a busy schedule, this could take a chunk of your time and you definitely do not want that. We will connect you to insurance advisors who can take the stress off your shoulder and handle the difficult work for you to help you get the best insurance rates. With so many similar and dissimilar life insurance services in Alberta, you will find it a lot difficult to search for the best Alberta life insurance for you unless you are already an expert in life insurance. However, the insurance advisors are eager to make life easy for you. We have what it takes to optimize the process and also offer you the best advice you need. Albertans opt for various kinds of life insurance services such as whole life insurance, permanent life insurance, universal life insurance, and term life insurance. The insurance advisors will help you to get the best result no matter the kind of Alberta life insurance coverage you want. We can help you compare the best quotes offered by various providers and ensure you save on your life insurance quotes.

Alberta Life Insurance News

The Supreme Court of Canada has awarded a life insurance policy worth $250,000 to a woman, Michelle Moore, whose ex-husband removed her name as a life insurance beneficiary even though she continued paying the insurance premium for more than 10 years after the divorce. After separating with her husband Larry in 1999, Michelle and Larry made a “Kitchen table agreement” that she would continue paying her annual life insurance premium and in return, he will leave her as a beneficiary to the coverage. Michelle paid an annual premium of $507.5 for 12 years because she believed she would be a beneficiary of the $250,000 benefit in the event of Larry’s death. The benefit was intended to cater for herself and her three children. However, Larry who married a new wife, Risa Sweet, immediately after the divorce, named Risa as the new beneficiary and removed Michelle without telling her. Michelle learned about the incidence when Larry died in 2013. The case has been in court for five years. Michelle won in the first application, lost on appeal and won again in the Supreme Court, making her the beneficiary of the $250 life insurance policy. Sweet who is currently disabled with a chronic illness said that Larry left the policy for her to enable her to pay her rent and buy her medications in the event he passed away before her. To learn more about Alberta life insurance news click here.

Life Insurance Related Pages

Alberta Insurance Regulatory Body

Alberta Insurance Council is a regulator in charge of administering insurance laws in the province. It is an industry-funded regulator that regulates insurance agents and adjusters. To learn more about the Alberta insurance regulatory body, click here.

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