Saskatchewan Health Insurance

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Saskatchewan Health Insurance Overview

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Saskatchewan is the sixth most populated province in Canada with a population of 1.164 million from the 2017 population estimate. It is located in western Canada and categorized as a Canadian prairie and a boreal province. Saskatchewan is surrounded by other Canada provinces such as Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Alberta, and Nunavut and also U.S states of North Dakota and Montana. It is a landlocked province and the only province in Canada without a natural border. Saskatchewan was formerly a part of North-West Territories but it became a province in 1905.

About 1 in 15 (6.6%) of Saskatchewanians 65 years or older suffer from dementia including Alzheimer’s disease (DiAD) according to a 2014-2015 report.

To learn more about healthcare in Saskatchewan, click here.

What does Saskatchewan Health Plan not cover?

Saskatchewan Health is the provincial health plan in Saskatchewan available to all permanent residents in the province. The plan completely or partially covers a lot of health services but it does not provide coverage to some services such as:

  • Services of paramedics such as naturopaths, acupuncturists, psychologists, etc.
  • Air ambulance; unless it is required to get treatment not available in the province. In this case, it is partially covered.
  • Eye glasses and lenses

Optometric services not covered by the provincial health plan

Optometric services may be partially covered in Saskatchewan Health. Residents are covered for an annual eye exam if they meet these conditions:

  • They are under the age of 18.
  • Have been diagnosed with type I or type II diabetes, but routine follow-up exams are not covered.
  • Have ocular emergencies such as foreign body in the eye, injury in the eye, etc.

To get vision care quote, click here.

Prescription drugs not covered by the provincial health plan

Eligible Saskatchewanians may be covered by the Drug Plan for listed drugs prescribed outside Saskatchewan hospitals.

To be eligible for the drug plan, you should:

  • Qualify for palliative care;
  • Receive supplementary health program benefits, and
  • Receive special benefits from Saskatchewan Aids to Independent Living program. The coverage is available only to people who opted for SAIL’s Cystic Fibrosis, Paraplegia, or End Stage Renal Disease program.

To get Prescription Drug Health quote click here.

Dental coverage not covered by the provincial health plan

Several dental services are completely covered in Saskatchewan; examples include dental implants, orthodontic services, teeth extraction, some oral surgery procedures. However, routine dental services such as fillings, cleanings, scalings, etc are not covered.

To get a Dental Health quote click here.

Saskatchewan Health Insurance FAQ

How long does it take to process the Health Card?

How do I apply for a Health Card?

I lost my Health Card, how do I replace it?

Which supporting documents are required for my application?

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Saskatchewan Health Updates

Saskatchewan Health Statistics

1 in 3 (31%) of Saskatchewanians, aged 18 and above were obese according to statistics from 2015 - 2016. The statistics show that obesity is most prevalent in people aged 35 and above. The report shows that Saskatchewan had a noticeably higher percentage of obesity than Canada in general (with 26% Canadians, aged 18 and above, reported to be obese in 2015 - 2016).

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