Ontario Health Insurance

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Ontario Health Insurance Overview

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Ontario is Canada’s most populated province. It accounts for 38.3 percent of the population of Canada. In land area, Ontario is second only to Quebec of all provinces in Canada. It is the fourth largest of the 13 provinces and territories in Canada. Ontario’s is the home to Canada’s capital city and largest city, Ottawa and Toronto respectively.

The 2016 and 2017 asthma reports respectively show that 8.2% and 7.9 Ontarians aged 12 and over have asthma as compared to 8.4% and 7.8% for Canada in general.

To learn more about OHIP, click here.

What does OHIP not cover?

Ontario provincial health plan, OHIP, covers a number of services but some services are not covered. These include:

  • Cosmetic surgery.
  • Laser eye surgery.
  • Chiropractor services.

Optometric services not covered by OHIP

Several optometric services are covered by OHIP but some services are not covered. Optometric services not covered by OHIP include:

  • Cost of one eye exam every 12 months for residents between above 19 and younger than 65.
  • OHIP may cover Ontarians between 20 and 64 if their follow up appointments is related to conditions like diabetes mellitus, cataract, glaucoma, strabismus, amblyopia, etc.

To get vision care quote, click here

Prescription drugs not covered by OHIP

OHIP provides coverage for prescription drugs, however, the prescription drug must be provided in a hospital setting to be covered.

To get Prescription Drug Health quote click here.

Dental coverage not covered by OHIP

Only in-hospital dental services are covered by OHIP such as fracture repair, tumor removal, reconstructive surgeries, etc. Dental services provided in a dentist’s office are not covered by the plan.

To get a Dental Health quote click here.

Ontario Health Insurance FAQ

Do I become ineligible for OHIP if I leave Ontario?

Am I eligible for the OHIP?

How do I get an Ontario health card?

What are the documents required to register for OHIP?

What should I do if my photo health card is lost, damaged or stolen?

I already have a red and white health card. Should I also get a photo health card?

What happens if I forgot to bring my health card when I go for health care?

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Ontario Health Updates

Ontario Health News

Over 1 in 10 children and youth (equivalently about 13.1% children and 11% youth) and 1 in 4 (25.8%) adults and 25.5% seniors in Ontario are obese. In all the age groups considered, the rates were higher in males than females. The obesity rate in adults and seniors has increased over the years from 22.5% to 25.8% and 21.7% to 25.5%.

Ontario Health Issues

Ontario is facing serious healthcare crisis capacity now more than ever. Even though the doctors and nurses are devoted to their jobs, there seem to be little they can do to solve the issue. The emergency room wards are filled with patients waiting for care, seniors are kept on gurneys for hours in the hallways, and surgeries are even cancelled at the 11th hour due to the patient backlog.

To learn more about health insurance issues in Ontario click here.

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