Northwest Territories Health Insurance

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NWT Health Insurance Overview

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Canada’s Northern territory consists of three territories (also called the three territories of Canada), namely: Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. Northwest Territories is the second largest of the three territories, second to Nunavut. The territory’s population from the 2011 and 2016 estimates is 41,462 and 41,786 respectively. This means that between 2011 and 2016, the population of the Northwest Territories only increased by 0.8%.

The present Northwest Territories is a part of the old North-Western Territory that joined the Canadian Confederation on July 15, 1870. However, the territories were subdivided into Nunuvat, Yukon and Northwest Territories on April 1, 1999.

The administrative expense detail for NWT in 2016-2017 was 4.2% as compared to 4.5% for Canada in general, within the same period.

To learn more about healthcare in Northwest Territories, click here.

What does the NWT Health Plan not cover?

The Northwest Territories provincial government provides the NWT Care Plan which offers hospital services, physician services, services offered to Metis residents, and extended health benefits. However, some services are not covered by the NWT Health Care plan. These include:

  • Procedures not medically required such as cosmetic surgery.
  • Charges beyond standard ward rates for private and semi-private accommodation.
  • Experimental services.
  • Dental services besides specific procedures related to jaw disease and injury
  • Services of paramedics such as podiatrists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, osteopaths, naturopaths, and massage therapists.

Optometric services not covered by the provincial health plan

The NWT health care does not cover the services of optometrists. However, vision care, including lenses and glasses, are covered under the Metis health benefits program.

To get vision care quote, click here.

Prescription drugs not covered by the provincial health plan

Prescription drugs are covered in the NWT health care plan only if they are administered in a hospital and prescribed by a doctor. However, prescription drugs may be covered for eligible expenses under the Metis health benefits and extended health benefits.

To get a prescription drug health quote, click here.

Dental coverage not covered by the provincial health plan

NTW health care covers dental services if they are related to jaw injury or disease. However, routine dental services such as cleanings, filings, extractions and exams are not covered. Furthermore, dental services are covered under the Metis Health benefits for eligible expenses such as cleanings, routine checkups, orthodontics, scalings, and so forth.

To get a dental health quote, click here.

NWT Health Insurance FAQ

I lost my NWT health insurance card, what do I do?

What are the benefits of my health insurance card?

How do I apply for the plan?

What is the eligible age to apply to this plan?

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NWT Health Updates

NWT Health News

The Northwest Territories’ health department revealed on June about data breach from a stolen laptop containing health data of up to 80% of NWT residents.

NWT has a population of about 41,800 from the 2016 population estimate. However, the breached healthcare data contains information about 33,000 NWT residents, a whopping 79% of the province. This includes over 45,000 personal information such as their names, date of births, home communities, and health-care numbers.

To learn more about health issues in Northwest Territories, click here.

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