Manitoba Health Insurance

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Manitoba Health Insurance Overview

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Together with Alberta and Saskatchewan, Manitoba is a prairie province in Canada, located in the western part of Canada. Manitoba has a population of 1.3 million people (from the 2014 population estimate), making it the fifth most populated province in Canada. The province was inhabited by aboriginal people for thousands of years and it became a Canadian province in 1870. The province’s capital and largest city, Winnipeg, is the eight-largest metropolitan in Canada.

Manitoba has 12.1% repeat hospital stays for mental illness in 2016-2017 as compared to 9.4% for Canada in general.

To learn more about health insurance in Manitoba, click here.

What does Manitoba Health Plan not cover?

Manitoba health insurance plan is designed for permanent residents of Manitoba who have stayed in the province for a minimum of six months. The plan covers medical services, hospital services, and pharmacare.

There are some services that Manitoba Health does not cover such as:

  • Health services requested by a third party such as lab tests for driver’s license, employment etc.
  • Additional cost for private and semi-private hospital rooms.
  • Ambulance transportation costs, except transportation between medical facilities.
  • Services of dietitians and psychologists not carried out in a hospital.
  • Medical advice offered over the phone.
  • Private nursing services.

To learn more about what Manitoba Health doesn’t cover, click here.

Optometric services not covered by the provincial health plan

Manitoba health includes coverage for various tests provided by optometrists such as the Full Threshold Visual Field Tests, the Tonometry tests and the Dilated Fundus Examination.

You need to meet these eligibility requirements to qualify for the optometric services:

  • You must be eligible for Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living Coverage.
  • You must be under age 19 or above age 64.

To get vision care quote, click here.

Prescription drugs not covered by the provincial health plan

Eligible Manitobans can take advantage of the provincial drug program, Pharmacare, irrespective of their age or disease. The program is for residents whose income is affected by high prescription drugs.

You need to meet these eligibility criteria to qualify for Pharmacare:

  • You must be eligible for Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living Coverage.
  • Your prescription drugs are not covered by any other federal or provincial program.

To get a prescription drug quote click here.

Dental coverage not covered by the provincial health plan

Manitoba’s dental health program is aimed at maintaining, protecting and improving the oral health of Manitobans.

You need to meet these eligibility criteria to qualify for the dental coverage:

  • You must be eligible for Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living Coverage.
  • Only dental procedures carried out in a hospital are covered.

To get dental coverage quote click here.

Manitoba Health Insurance FAQ

What are the eligibility requirements for the coverage?

I am a new resident of Manitoba, how do I apply for the coverage?

I lost my Manitoba Health Card, how do I replace it?

Who is eligible for the Northern Patient Transportation Program?

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Manitoba Health Updates

Manitoba Health News

Manitoba’s provincial medical officer of health, Dr. Tim Hilderman, warns that flu is very difficult to predict, he, however, stated that the flu season for this year is expected to be mild to moderate.

“As opposed to last year’s H3N2 strain, this year, in the southern hemisphere, it would be a mild-to-moderate Influenza-A-dominated year, with an H1N1 strain”, Hilderman stated.

To learn more about health issues in Manitoba, click here.

Manitoba Health Statistics

A recently released annual statistics update for 2016 Manitoba health shows that the number of HIV cases in Manitoba increased in 2016 by 23% compared with previous years.

The report uncovered 128 new cases of HIV. According to the report, the HIV cases went up by 47% when compared with the year 2014. The report also indicated that about 33% of the reported HIV cases were found in people who came from countries where the rate of the illness is already high.

Furthermore, despite the rising HIV cases, only one case of AIDS was reported in 2016 which is the lowest since 2006 apart from 2014.

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