Saskatchewan Funeral Insurance

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Saskatchewan Funeral Insurance Overview

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Funeral arrangements always meet people unprepared but it ought not to be so. People hardly plan for their funerals as if death does not occur. Due to a lack of proper funeral planning, funerals often become burdensome and difficult for Saskatchewanians. But if you want your funeral to be different and to make sure that your death would not be a burden on your loved ones, you need the help of an accredited funeral director in Saskatchewan.

Funeral directors are qualified individuals who have prior knowledge and experience of a funeral. A funeral director knows exactly what to do to make a funeral eventful. With the service of a funeral director in Saskatchewan, you can ensure that the wishes of the deceased and those of his loved ones will be fulfilled.

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Saskatchewan Funeral Insurance Details

Saskatchewan Bereavement Authority

Standards of practice and procedures for funerals in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan are set and administered by the Funeral and Cremation Services Council of Saskatchewan. The body oversees the conduct of its members, investigates public concerns and issues and ensures consumer protection. The activities of the Funeral and Cremation Services Council of Saskatchewan are administered through the Funeral and Cremation Services Act, the Funeral and Cremation Services Regulations and the Funeral & Cremation Services Bylaws.

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Saskatchewan Obituary and Mortality Rate

Saskatchewan is one of the Canadian provinces that have recorded a consistent decline in mortality rate per 1,000 population between 2013 and 2017. The population decreased from 8.4 in 2013 to 8.1 in 2017.

An obituary in Saskatchewan is a notice of death published online or in a newspaper that includes a short biography of the deceased. Usually, an obituary provides details about the funeral, burial or cremation service.

Saskatchewan Funeral Insurance Guide

The Funeral and Cremation Services Council of Saskatchewan is in charge of funeral homes, crematoriums and cemetery operators, transfer services, funeral directors and so forth in the province.

The body provides guidelines for preplanning and planning of a funeral in the province. These include information on what you should know before planning a funeral, funeral funding options, trust, and insurance.

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Saskatchewan Funeral Insurance News

Robert was a poor, homeless and addicted Saskatchewanian but when he went to Carmichael Outreach in Regina, he learned something about everyone and knew everyone’s name. According to Tyler Gray an employee at the charity, when Robert died, his family, Carmichael staff and friends had time to say goodbye and to tell about how the death affected them.

However, Gray fears that the moments could be lost for the poorest of Saskatchewan. Starting from July 1, 2017, the Saskatchewan government began cutting the amount it will pay for the funerals of people on social assistance. In its March 2017 budget, the government said it would cover the cost of transfers, basic body preparation, regulatory fees, an urn or a standard casket. But the family will be responsible for services or viewings.

Gray said the new regulation is just dehumanizing people who are already living on the margins of the community. According to the Saskatchewan government, the province will level up with other Canadian jurisdictions with the change. Furthermore, the cash-strapped provincial government could save $1 million in 2017 owing to the change in order to make up for its $1.3 billion deficit.

Elissa Aitken, executive director of program and service design with the Ministry of Social Services said that it is a refocusing of the basic benefits to focus on the disposition costs of the funeral. Aitken further pointed out that the most difficult choices the government has to face in the budget are looking at the benefits that are beyond the basic needs such as helping people to keep food on the table, a roof over their heads in tough times and so forth.

Furthermore, Saskatchewan pays for about 400 funerals in a year. Tom Geiger who works with the Saskatchewan Board of Funeral Homes said the group understands that the government needs to save but the current move will affect people at the margin of the society. Geiger further added that the need for a funeral is not just about dollars and cents, there is some emotional importance attached to it.

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Saskatchewan Funeral Insurance FAQ

How Much Does It Cost For Funeral Insurance?

What’s the Difference Between Life Insurance and Funeral Insurance?

What Does Funeral Insurance Cover?

Who Is Legally Responsible For Funeral Costs?

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