Regina Funeral Insurance

Regina Funeral Insurance: The Coverage Overview
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Regina Funeral Insurance Overview

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Funerals are a celebration of a person’s life; they require organization, planning, and several arrangements. When the planning and organization of a funeral are not properly done, a lot of things can go wrong. However, you need prior knowledge and experience of funerals to organize a successful one. This is why the service of an accredited funeral director in Regina is required to make your funerals successful.

Funeral directors in Regina can provide you with maximum assistance and guide you in every possible way to make sure you have a successful funeral. The service of a funeral director will ensure that the desires of the deceased and those of his family are satisfied.

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Regina Funeral Insurance Details

Regina Funeral Bonds

To make your funeral as successful as you intend, you need to earmark some money specifically for the event. This can be done with a funeral bond. A funeral bond is an investment set apart for the purpose of your funeral. However, the money must be used for the funeral and it can only be paid out on death.

Funeral bonds are backed by capital guarantees. They are reliable, flexible and portable but they are not tied to your specific location in the city. Also, the funds are indexed annually and there is a maximum amount that can be invested in the bond. You can get more information about funeral bonds in Regina from your funeral director.

The funeral bond in Regina has the following benefits:

  • Funeral bonds allow you to make your wishes known and to ensure that they are followed in your funeral.
  • With funeral bonds, you can make your funeral less burdensome to your loved ones.
  • There is no entry or exit fee in a funeral bond.
  • The earnings from funeral bonds do not affect your personal income tax position in Regina.

To read more about Regina's funeral insurance, click here.

Regina Obituary and Mortality Rate

Reports show that Saskatchewan has one of the highest death rates in Canada from 2007 to 2016, albeit the death rate in the province per 1,000 population decreased over the years considered from 9.0 in 2007 to 8.2 in 2016. As a matter of fact, Saskatchewan had the highest death rate in 2007, 2008 and 2010. In 2016, the province had the fourth-highest death rate after Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick.

An obituary is usually organized after a person dies to celebrate the deceased and announce the death to other Canadians. This usually includes a short biography of the deceased and it is often published in a newspaper.

Regina Funeral Homes Listings

  • Speers Funeral & Cremation Services - 2136 College Ave, Regina, SK S4P 1C5 - (306) 522-3232
  • Regina Funeral Home & Cemetery - 4001 Victoria Ave E, Regina, SK S4V 3A3 - (306) 789-8850
  • Paragon Funeral Services - 521 Victoria Ave, Regina, SK S4N 0P8 - (306) 359-7776
  • Victoria Avenue Funeral Home and Cremation Centre - 2080 Victoria Ave E, Regina, SK S4N 7B9 - (306) 761-2727
  • Lee Funeral Home and Crematorium - 3101 Dewdney Ave, Regina, SK S4T 0Y5 - (306) 757-8645
  • Alternatives Funeral & Cremation Services - 1265 Scarth St, Regina, SK S4R 2E6 - (306) 757-2327
  • Funeral and Cremation Services Council of Saskatchewan - 3847 Albert St, Regina, SK S4S 3R4 -(306) 584-1575
  • Community Crematorium Services - Broad St, Regina, SK S4R 8G9 - (306) 757-2777
  • Imperial Casket - 335 Hodsman Rd, Regina, SK S4N 5W5 - (306) 352-9555

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Regina Funeral Insurance News

Crystal Machiskinic, a daughter, sister, and mother died at the age of 48 in July 2017 due to some severe lung problem. As a result of financial difficulty, the family had her funeral in her sister, Carrie Stonechild’s backyard in plus 30-degree heat.

Machiskinic was a member of the Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) Program administered by the Ministry of Social Services and it provides coverage for some basic funeral costs.

As a result of Saskatchewan’s recent budget, funding for funeral services for people on social assistance was reduced, but it was restored in early July 2017. However, as of July 1, 2017, the flat fee was reduced from $3,850 to $2,100.

Stonechild said they could not afford to have the funeral in a facility. She added that the family could not contact anyone from Social Services until Tuesday because Machiskinic died on Friday before the Canada Day long weekend.

They could have just made a call and told us that our expenses were covered, Stonechild said. Being a native of First Nation, the culture requires that the funeral rites should be completed within four days but sadly, they could not complete the rites in four days.

To learn more about Regina's funeral insurance, click here.

Regina Funeral Insurance FAQ

What Does Funeral Insurance Cover?

What Happens When a Family Can’t Afford a Funeral?

What Is the Difference Between Life Insurance and Funeral Insurance?

How Much Does It Cost for Funeral Insurance?

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