Sun Par Protector II Life Insurance

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A Long-Term Goal Protection

Sun Par Protector II Life Insurance is a robust and flexible whole life insurance plan backed with a guarantee for growth. It is an affordable plan that offers cash value growth with long-term tax-preferred benefit.
It is the Best Insurance plan for anyone (especially for Canadians) who wants to protect his / her estate investment.
Sun Par Protector is a great plan for people who desire to leave a legacy for their children and grandchildren. The plan is designed to help you plan your estate with ease and the structure of the premium payment makes it flexible and easy to use.

Features and Benefits

The premium payment options for Sun Par Protector II life insurance is in three forms namely Life pay, 10 pay, and 20 pay. The plan has four coverage options which include Single life; joint first-to-die; joint last-to-die, premiums to first death; and joint last-to-die, premiums to second death.

  • The minimum coverage amount for ages 0-17 is $25,000 and for ages 18-85, $50,000. The maximum coverage amount is $15,000,000 for all ages.
  • Depending on your goal, you can choose from five dividend options which include paid-up additional insurance, enhanced insurance, annual premium insurance, dividends on deposit, and cash payment.
  • It also includes additional features such as guaranteed cash values, policy loans, automatic survivor benefit on joint first-to-die.
  • If the insured is diagnosed with life-threatening illness, he will be eligible for 50% of his death benefit up to $250,000. This is known as the living



Additional resources

Learn more about your life insurance options from these informative articles.

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For more information, you may contact us at 1-877-574-7475, or complete the form below.

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