Long Term Care Insurance

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A Robust Long Term Care Plan for You

Life expectancy for Canadians has improved dramatically, thanks to advancement in healthcare and medical technology. Men are expected to live up to 78 and women 83 but improved life expectancy comes to a challenge of loss of independence. When you lose your independence due to a disease like Alzheimer’s disease or accident, you need to be catered for; this is where Desjardins long-term care insurance comes in.

Add-ons Include:

Vision Accelerated Independence Option and Vision Independence Lifestyle Solution. Desjardins long-term care insurance provides everything you need when you lose your independence. It allows you to adequately take care of yourself or hire the best care without even dipping hands into your life savings. With this plan, you can stay at home and be properly catered for and also leverage the best possible healthcare.

Features and Benefits

Desjardins long-term care insurance is a really robust and flexible option. Besides, you can further customize your insurance plan to suit your intended purpose with the available add-ons. You are guaranteed to receive tax-free monthly benefits if you lose your independence and you can use the benefit amount for whatever you want.

  • The insurance plan provides you access to the best healthcare and medical service available without the need to touch your savings.
  • With the plan, you can easily hire a professional caregiver to take care of you when you lose your independence.
  • The plan also provides what you need to take care of yourself if you intend to stay at home when you lose your independence.
  • If you lose your mental or physical independence as a result of an accident or illness, you will receive a tax-free monthly benefit.
  • The insured can use the benefit paid to him for any purpose as he desires. No receipt will be required of the insured.
  • The plan includes add-ons that can be used to further customize your plan as much as you want.



Additional resources

Learn more about your health insurance options from these informative articles.

Insurdinary provides a comprehensive quotes comparison sends straight to your inbox so you can start comparing health coverage in minutes. See plans from several major Canadian insurers to choose the right option for you. Our customer health specialists are also available to address your questions and concerns.

For more information, you may contact us at 1-877-574-7475, or complete the form below.

Insurance Product Quote Form (#12)
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