Advice & Tips Articles

Funeral Insurance vs Burial Insurance Plans: What's the Difference?

As the old joke goes, there are two certainties in life: death and taxes. Problem is, most people are more […]

How Does Burial Insurance Work?

Death and funerals aren't exactly favorite family dinner conversation topics. They may make excellent settings for comedic films, but in […]

8 Questions to Ask Your Orthodontist About How Invisalign Works

It's no secret that having a beautiful smile will improve your confidence and may even make you more outgoing. But […]

Burial Insurance for Parents: What You Need to Know

No one wants to think about a parent's death. But, we all die at some point. It's wise to be […]

Protect Your Teeth: Understanding Dental Insurance

Over the years, many adults have decided to forgo dental work altogether. There could be many reasons why, including price, […]

6 Types of Health Insurance Plans You Need to Know

  6 Types of Health Insurance Plans You Need to Know When looking for insurance policies, it helps to know […]

What Does the Average Prepaid Funeral Cost?

As we get older we have a lot of things to consider when it comes to our health and family. […]

What is Funeral Insurance and Do You Need It?

If you're like most people, you don't want to think about your eventual demise. It's not that death is taboo, it's […]

Dental Insurance Cost: Is it Worth It?

While many forms of healthcare are covered under the Canada Care Act, dental work is not. If you want to […]

How to Choose Health Insurance: Your Guide to Comparing Plans

If you're considering getting supplemental health care in Canada, be prepared to face some unique challenges. Choosing the right plan […]

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