Dachshunds Pet Insurance

Dachshunds are famously long and loved for their endearing nature. These dogs are brave, a bit stubborn, and make good watchdogs.
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Dachshunds Pet Insurance Overview

Dachshunds pet insurance

Learn about Dachshunds Pet Insurance

Dachshunds are one of the smallest hounds out there but their distinctive shape, intelligence, and character make them popular and appreciable by most people. Canines in this breed are described as curious, friendly and spunky. They have a long body and short legs and they come in three varieties: longhaired, wirehaired, and smooth or shorthaired. The breed may be either classified as standard or miniature depending on their weight.

The breed originated from Germany. Canines in this breed are bred to hunt badgers, and hence their name. As a matter of fact, the name “Dachshund” stands for badger-dog (“Dachs” means “badger” and “hund” means “dog”). It is believed that the breed existed in the 15th century. Furthermore, some documents from the 16th century made mention of “badger creeper”, “dachsel”, and “earth dog”.

Dachshunds may also hunt other preys like foxes, hares and weasels and even wild boars. This breed has lots of interesting characteristics but just like any other pet, a Dachshund may develop certain health problems especially as it grows old. If you love your pet, you would want to provide it with the best medical care whenever critical illnesses strike. This is why you need to get Dachshunds pet insurance.

When taking out Dachshunds pet insurance, you need to ensure that you get a comprehensive plan that covers most conditions common to the breed. It is always important to go through the policy to be sure that you understand the limits, stipulations, waiting periods and exclusions provided in the policy.

To get a quote for Dachshunds pet insurance, click here.

Why Dachshunds Pet Insurance Is Important

How you take care of your furry friend matters. You need to keep an eye on the diet and the exercise. Crate training is usually recommended for canines in this breed. It is important not to allow your pet to become overweight. Due to its long-bodied nature, Dachshunds could develop slipped or ruptured discs if the long back is strained.

Due to their structure, dogs in this breed are prone to spinal problems such as intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). The situation may even become worse if the dog gets obese or does intensive exercises. Dachshunds can also develop hereditary epilepsy, Cushing’s Syndrome and so forth.

Most of these conditions will require thousands of dollars in veterinary care and treatment. With the increasing vet costs, you might expect the cost of treating your Dachshunds to rise in the near future. However, by taking out Dachshunds pet insurance, you can provide your furry friend with the best kind of care it deserves and also ensure that it enjoys longevity and serves you better.

Here is a list of common sicknesses Dachshunds might develop:

  • Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)
  • Epilepsy
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
  • Gastric dilatation-volvulus
  • Cushing’s Disease (Hyperadrenocorticism)
  • Canine Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
  • Deafness
  • Cataracts, etc.

To learn more about Dachshunds, click here.

Dachshunds Pet Insurance Statistics

Origin: Germany

Average Height: 8 – 9 inches (Standard), 5 – 6 inches (miniature)

Average Weight: 16 – 32 pounds (Standard), 11 pounds and under (miniature)

Life expectancy: 12 – 16 years.

Colors: Black, Black & Tan, Blue & Tan, Chocolate & Tan, Red, Chocolate & Cream, Cream, Tan.

Exercise Requirements: 20 – 40 minutes per day.

Temperament: Lively, Devoted, Courageous, Stubborn, Playful, Clever.

Health: They are healthy overall but prone to conditions like intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), deafness, cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), epilepsy, Cushing’s disease, canine diabetes mellitus, etc.

Energy level: Very energetic

Tendency to Bark: High

To learn more about Dachshunds, click here.

Dachshunds Pet Insurance News

A 10-year-old dachshund, Hobbes loves popcorn and barking at everything from squirrels, clouds, and anything else. It also loves chasing things, including other dogs that can kill it in a bite or two.

Hobbes is paralyzed in his back legs and so two wheels are affixed on his hindquarters to make up for the paralysis. The dachshund was paralyzed several years ago and has undergone two major spinal operations but unfortunately, each failed. However, each of the failed operations costs his owner about $7,000. If veterinary procedures, rehabs, and electric muscle stimulation are included, Hobbes owners have spent over $20,000 in the failed treatment.

This doesn’t include the daily routine on the paralyzed dog. The dachshund cannot control his bladder. So, his owners would manually squeeze the piss out of the dog four or five times each day. For Hobbes to defecate, the owners have to stimulate the process by sticking a Q-tip up his butt two or three times a day.

This raises the question of the limit of responsibility of pet owners. Dr. Adrian Walton of Dewdney Animal Hospital in Maple Ridge, B.C. said it is a tough situation deciding how much is enough. Walton said he knew a woman who took her cat to UC Davis in California for a kidney transplant and the process cost up to $100,000.

He, however, urges pet parents to get pet insurance. “It is not cheap but it can at least shield families from extravagant pet care costs”, Walton added. “Pet insurance is a godsend for vets, it allows us to discuss what is appropriate for the animal without dealing with the financial issue”, says Dr. Serge Chalhoub, a senior instructor at the University of Calgary’s department of veterinary clinical and diagnostic services.

To learn more about Dachshunds pet insurance, click here.

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