Peru Travel Insurance

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Travel Insurance Overview

peru flag

Peru thrives off tourism. Tourists who visit Peru have 94% satisfaction; these and many more factors have made tourism the most rapidly growing industry in Peru, faster than any other South American country.

Furthermore, there are so many tourist destinations in Peru. Some of the most important destinations include Machu Picchu, Nazca Lines, Sacred Valley, Titicana Lake, Colca Canyon, the Amazon River, Tambopata National Reserve, to mention a few.

Besides, Canada shares a strong bilateral relationship with Peru. Peru is the third-largest destination for Canadian direct investment in South America. Peru also shares relations in terms of people-to-people links and so forth with Canada.

When traveling to Peru, whether for tourism, business, trade or any other purpose, it is important for Canadians to have the right Peru travel insurance. Your provincial plan will not cover you outside Canada. This is why you need the right travel insurance coverage to cover you in case of medical emergencies abroad.

To get an instant quote on Peru travel insurance, click here.

Travel Insurance Details

Basic Information About Peru

Some important information on Peru Travel Insurance that we think you’ll want to know before you travel.

Name Value
Currency Sol
Most common languages spoken Spanish, Aymara, and Quechua
Capital Lima
Continent South America
Population Approx. 32 million
Plug type Plug type A and C
Driving side Right-hand side
  • Spring - March to May
  • Summer - June to August
  • Autumn - September to November
  • Winter - December to February
Laws Local laws and customs

To read more about Peru travel insurance, click here.

Peru Security Measures for travelers

The decision to enter Peru is your choice and you are equally responsible for your personal safety abroad. However, since we care about your safety and security, we provide you credible information in our Travel Advice to help you to make well-informed decisions when you travel out of Canada.

Risk Level

Peru – Exercise a high degree of caution

Due to serious crime, social conflicts and strikes that could occur throughout the country, exercise a high degree of caution in Peru.

  • Due to terrorist and crime activity, avoid non-essential travel to the district of Kimiri, Pichari and Vilcabamba, Huallaga and Tocache provinces, the Upper Huallaga and Ene river, and so forth.
  • Due to drug trafficking and occasional incursions by armed guerilla force from Colombia into Peru, avoid non-essential travel to areas within 20 km of the border with Ecuador.
  • Avoid non-essential travel to areas within 20 km of the border with Ecuador.

Travel Health Notice – Zika virus

The Public Health Agency of Canada advises Canadians on the Zika virus and recommends that they practice special health precautions in Peru and other affected countries. Pregnant and would-be pregnant women should avoid traveling to Peru.

Entry / Exit requirements

Peru, like other countries, decides who enters or exits its borders and the Government of Canada cannot intervene on your behalf if you do not meet the country’s entry or exit requirements.

The information on this page was obtained from Peruvian authorities; however, it can change at any time. Moreover, you can verify the information with foreign diplomatic missions and consulates in Canada.


The entry requirements that apply to you depends on the type of passport you use for travel. Check with the transportation company about passport requirement before you leave.

  • Regular Canadian Passport - You must hold a passport valid for a minimum of six months beyond the date you intend to leave Peru.
  • Passport for official travel - Different rules may apply. Learn more about official travel here.
  • Other travel documents - The rules that apply when traveling with a temporary passport or an emergency travel document may differ. Find out about entry rules from the closest diplomatic mission for Peru before you leave.

Useful Links

To learn more about Peru travel insurance, click here.

Peru Healthcare

There are public and private hospitals in Peru. The public healthcare in Peru is insufficient and poor due to a serious lack of funding. As a result, expats and visitors in Peru prefer to use private hospitals. You also need to have some forms of Peru travel insurance or private health insurance and you also need to travel with enough money to cover potential costs because some hospitals may require cash payments.

For more information about healthcare in Peru, click here.

Peru Travel Insurance News

It was over two years since Al and Kathy Kasatkin last heard from Kimberlee their daughter. They had to travel from Abbotsford to Lima in Peru to bring their grandchildren home and also get justice for Kimberlee.

Al, Kimberlee’s father, said he does not know where she is. When I say she is here, it is in a spiritual sense, he added. Al and Kathy believe that Kimberlee has been killed. Kathy, Kimberlee’s mother said they just want to have her day in court, that’s the only way to get the truth out of Christopher.

Kimberly was fiercely in love with Christopher Franz Bettocchi, a citizen of Peru she met on Vancouver Island while studying acupuncture. The couple spent time in African and then settled in Miroflores, a district of Lima and they had children together.

To learn more about Peru travel insurance news click here.

Travel Insurance Related Pages

Peru Travel Insurance FAQ

Do you need a Visa for travelling to Peru?

Can I buy multiple travel insurance policies?

Does travel insurance cover doctor visits?

Can I buy travel insurance the day I leave?

How long does a travel insurance claim take?

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