Egypt Travel Insurance

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Travel Insurance Overview

egypt flag

When you talk about ancient civilization, one of the countries that will definitely come to mind is Egypt. If you have never visited Egypt before, you are missing a lot. Egypt has the last surviving of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Pyramids of Giza but this is not the only attraction in Egypt.

From the Luxor’s Karnak Temple and the Valleys of the Kings to Abu Simbel, the Egyptian Museum and the White Desert, there is no shortage of tourist attraction features in Egypt. Besides, Egypt has a two-way trade with Canada and in 2017, the trade totaled $1.28 billion. Academic relation is an important part of the Canada-Egypt relations; more than 2,200 Egyptians were studying in Canada in 2017.

No matter your reasons for traveling to Egypt, you need to make sure you have the right Egypt travel insurance or private medical coverage to protect you against medical emergencies, accidents, hospitalization or injury in Egypt.

To get an instant quote on Egypt travel insurance, click here.

Travel Insurance Details

Basic Information About Egypt

Some important information on Egypt Travel Insurance that we think you’ll want to know before you travel.

Name Value
Currency Egyptian pound
Official language Arabic
Capital Cairo
Continent Africa
Population Approx. 96 million
Plug type Plug type C and F
Driving side Right-hand side
  • Spring - March to May
  • Summer - June to August
  • Autumn - September to November
  • Winter - December to February
Laws Local laws and customs

To read more about Egypt travel insurance, click here.

Egypt Security Measures for travelers

Like every other country, Egypt decides who enters or exits its borders and the Government of Canada cannot intervene on your behalf if you do not meet the country’s entry or exit requirements.

Risk Level

Egypt – Avoid non-essential travel

Due to the unpredictable security situation, avoid non-essential travel to Egypt. If you decide to travel to Egypt, make sure you plan your trip with a reputable Egyptian travel agency or company as they are informed of the security situation and can better plan accordingly.

  • Due to terrorist activity and ongoing military operations by the Egyptian Armed Forces, avoid all travel to the Sinai Peninsula
  • Avoid all travel to within 50 km of the border with Libya, the Western Desert, the Siwa Oasis and so forth.
  • Avoid all travel to Suez and Ismailia due to unpredictable security situation.

Entry / Exit requirements

Every territory or country decides who enters or exits its borders and the Government of Canada cannot intervene on your behalf if you do not meet the country’s entry or exit requirements.

The information on this page was obtained from the Egyptian authorities; however, it can change at any time. Moreover, you can verify the information with foreign diplomatic missions and consulates in Canada.


The type of passport you use for travel determines the entry requirements that apply to you. Contact your transportation company to find out about the applicable entry requirements before you leave.

  • Regular Canadian Passport - Your passport should be valid for about six months beyond your expected duration of stay in Egypt.
  • Passport for official travel - Different rules may apply. Learn more about official travel here.
  • Other travel documents - The rules that apply when traveling with a temporary passport or an emergency travel document may differ. Find out about entry rules from the closest diplomatic mission for Egypt before you leave.

Useful Links

To learn more about Egypt travel insurance, click here.

Egypt Healthcare

Egypt has a universal healthcare system comprising both private and public health care centers. However, the quality of healthcare in Egypt is lower than Canada’s standard and medical treatment could be expensive. Some hospitals may require cash payment, so, you need to travel with enough money to cover potential costs and adequate Egypt travel insurance for the coverage you need.

For more information about healthcare in Egypt, click here.

Egypt Travel Insurance News

The family members of a Canadian man, Yasser Ahmed Albaz, detained in Egypt is asking the federal government to step in and bring him home especially with the information that he is held in a notorious prison without charge.

According to her daughter, Amal Ahmed Albaz, her father was stopped at the Cairo International Airport on February 18 when returning back to Canada. His passport was seized by Egyptian authorities and was taken in for questioning. He managed to message the family and informed them about what was happening but the family has not heard from him since then.

Amal said that her father has been in Egypt on a business trip for his engineering firm since December. She added that her family still do not know the reason why he was detained and questioned.

To learn more about Egypt travel insurance news click here.

Travel Insurance Related Pages

Egypt Travel Insurance FAQ

Do you need a Visa for travelling to Egypt?

Can I buy multiple travel insurance policies?

Does travel insurance cover doctor visits?

Can I buy travel insurance the day I leave?

How long does a travel insurance claim take?

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