New Brunswick Funeral Insurance

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New Brunswick Funeral Insurance Overview

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Funeral celebrations, rituals, and services are deeply rooted in most cultures in Canada but no one really wants to look out for such a day. Although death is inevitable and everyone wants to be remembered at death, most Canadians do not want to give it a thought, especially in advance. But, the best way to have a great funeral is by preplanning and prearranging the event, this is where the service of accredited funeral directors in New Brunswick comes in.

A funeral director in New Brunswick will provide maximum assistance to you and ensure that the wishes of the deceased and those of his family members are met. The director will help you to choose the most appropriate option for your funeral and ensure that the event will be conducted professionally and with dignity.

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New Brunswick Funeral Insurance Details

New Brunswick Bereavement Authority

The New Brunswick Financial and Consumer Services Commission is responsible for administering the affairs of funeral providers, managers, cemeteries, and crematoriums. The body ensures consumer protection in funeral services and also provides regulation for the sale of prearranged funeral plans in New Brunswick. The activities, roles, and duties of the Financial and Consumer Services Commission are described under the Embalmers, Funeral Directors and Funeral Providers Act.

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New Brunswick Obituary and Mortality Rate

The number of deaths and mortality rate in New Brunswick has fluctuated over the years from 2013 to 2017. New Brunswick had a low mortality rate of 8.8 per 1,000 population in 2013 but the figure increased to 9.6 in 2015. It thereafter decreased to 9.5 in 2016 and then increased again to 9.9 in 2017.

An obituary in New Brunswick is done in remembrance of a deceased loved one. Usually, the obituary is published in a newspaper or online and it includes a short biography of the deceased and sometimes, information about the burial, funeral or cremation.

New Brunswick Funeral Insurance Guide

The Pre-Arranged Funeral Services Act provides a guideline for regulating the prearrangement of funeral plans. The Consumer Affairs Division issues a standard form of contract that must be used by funeral providers in case a consumer purchases a prearranged funeral. Also, the funeral director is required to provide a receipt of payment and a proof of deposit showing that the funds have been deposited in the trust. The deposit must have been provided at a financial institution in the consumer’s name.

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Funeral Insurance Related Pages

New Brunswick Funeral Insurance News

The government of New Brunswick no longer pays for the funeral of people on low incomes the way it does. Certain costs previously covered by the government are no longer covered. For instance, the cost of visitation and funeral service from standard benefits.

In the past five years from 2017, the government of New Brunswick has spent more than $7.4 million to cover the cost of funerals for people who cannot afford them but the province signed an agreement with funeral operators in 2017 to stop covering these benefits.

This has resulted in a reduction in standard benefits from $3,979 to $3,179 for a casket funeral, and $3,019 for cremation. If the family requests for visitation services and funeral or memorial service the province will pay $300 and $500 respectively for these services.

Funeral homes are hoping to get a significant raise in the new contract; they say they lost money in the old contract. Nancy Matthews, vice-president of the New Brunswick Funeral Directors and Embalmers Association involved in negotiation after the last contract expired said the state of things is taking them backward.

According to Matthew, regular clients pay twice as much for the same casket, transportation, documentation and clinical services including embalming but funeral providers cover the costs to help the less fortunate ones in society. She added that they are here to help people in the community whether they have the money or not.

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New Brunswick Funeral Insurance FAQ

How Much Does It Cost For Funeral Insurance?

What’s the Difference Between Life Insurance and Funeral Insurance?

What Does Funeral Insurance Cover?

Who Is Legally Responsible For Funeral Costs?

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