Oshawa Funeral Insurance

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Oshawa Funeral Insurance Overview

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Funerals in Canada requires planning and organization. The planning involves organizing the funeral service, taking care of the burial or cremation and any other service you require for the funeral. Most Canadians faced with a funeral do not know how to handle such an event. But you can hire an accredited funeral director in Oshawa for a successful funeral without stress.

A funeral director in Oshawa will provide you with necessary assistance and will help you to organize the event the way it should be. This would ensure that the wishes of the deceased and those of his family will be fulfilled.

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Oshawa Funeral Insurance Details

Oshawa Funeral Bonds

For a successful funeral, it is important to invest in a funeral bond that would cater to your eventual funeral and make it less financially burdensome to your dependents. Funeral bonds are money earmarked for a funeral. The bond amount is released upon death and can only be used for the purpose of the funeral.

Funeral bonds are reliable, portable and rock-solid investments and it is not tied to your specific location in Oshawa. The bonds have a maximum amount and it is calculated yearly. You can get more information about funeral bonds in Oshawa from your funeral director.

The funeral bond in Oshawa has the following benefits:

  • With a funeral bond, you can make your funeral less burdensome to your loved ones when you die.
  • By investing in a funeral bond, you can ensure that your wishes as regards your funeral are carried out.
  • Funeral bonds do not have an exit or entry fee.
  • The money you earn from the bond does not affect your position in personal income tax in the city.

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Oshawa Obituary and Mortality Rate

Report from the Durham Region Health Department indicates that there were 3,500 deaths per year in the region between 2008 and 2012. In particular, Oshawa had 5,510 deaths between 2000 and 2002, 6010 deaths between 2005 and 2007, and 6630 deaths between 2010 and 2012.

Oshawa residents take obituary seriously especially when it involves a senior resident. An obituary is a way to announce to residents about the death of a resident. It also includes a brief biography of the resident.

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Oshawa Funeral Homes Listings

  • Oshawa Funeral Home - 847 King St W, Oshawa, ON L1J 2L4 - (905) 721-1234
  • DeStefano Funeral, Celebration and Reception Centre - 1289 Keith Ross Drive South side of Taunton Road, by the Oshawa Airport Between Simcoe St. and, Thornton Rd N, Oshawa, ON L1H 7K4 - (905) 440-3595
  • Armstrong Funeral Home Limited - 124 King St E, Oshawa, ON L1H 1B6 - (905) 433-4711
  • McIntosh-Anderson-Kellam Funeral Home Ltd. - 152 King St E, Oshawa, ON L1H 1B6 - (905) 433-5558
  • Aftercare Cremation & Burial Service Funeral Homes - 901 Simcoe St N, Oshawa, ON L1G 4W1 -(905) 432-9424
  • Mount Lawn Funeral Home & Cemetery - 21 Garrard Rd, Whitby, ON L1N 3K4 - (905) 443-3376
  • Courtice Funeral Chapel - 1587 Durham Regional Hwy 2, Courtice, ON L1E 2R7 - (905) 432-8484
  • Thornton Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Centres - 1200 Thornton Rd N, Oshawa, ON L1H 7K4 - (905) 579-6787

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Funeral Insurance Related Pages

Oshawa Funeral Insurance News

A funeral home in Oshawa continued their business as usual after a man was shot while trying to run away from cops in a stolen hearse. John Kellam, owner of McIntosh-Anderson-Kellam Funeral Home will hardly forget the Boxing Day get away attempt that played like a Hollywood scene.

According to Kellam, it was an alarming incident. The driver of the funeral home’s hearse during the escape attempt was admitted to the hospital owing to a gunshot but the injuries were not critical. Kellam said that the man broke into the funeral home around 1:20 am while trying to escape from the police.

Durham Regional Police said officers saw the man around King St. E. near Charles St. and observed him as he broke into the funeral home. After calling for backup, the police surrounded the building. Kellam said that he saw the man broke into a locked box and swiped keys to the company’s vehicles but nothing else was damaged in the process.

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Oshawa Funeral Insurance FAQ

What Does Funeral Insurance Cover?

What Happens When a Family Can’t Afford a Funeral?

What Is the Difference Between Life Insurance and Funeral Insurance?

Who is Legally Responsible for Funeral Costs?

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