Prince Edward Island Auto Insurance

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Prince Edward Island Auto Insurance Overview

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Prince Edward Island drivers pay some of the lowest auto insurance rates in Canada – the lowest rate with the exception of Quebec. According to a 2017 report from the Insurance Bureau of Canada, PEI drivers pay an average insurance rate of $796 per year to insure their vehicles.

As the province grows, more PEI residents purchase vehicles and lots of auto insurance companies look to provide coverage to the vehicles and their owners. Although PEI already has cheap average coverage, you can save money on your auto insurance by shopping around and choosing more affordable coverage. This is where comes in.

Call Insurdinary for Prince Edward Island auto insurance suitable for you. When you call Insurdinary, we will connect you to auto insurance companies in PEI who will guide you to choose the most suitable auto insurance coverage for you. Our independent insurance advisors work with some of the most reputable insurance companies in Prince Edward Island and also compile and compare coverage to offer you the best features.

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PEI Auto Insurance Details

Factors that affects Auto Insurance rates in PEI

Prince Edward Island auto insurance companies consider several factors when determining the cost of your auto insurance. The variables or factors considered in calculating your Prince Edward Island auto insurance cost include:

  • Your vehicle usage and driving record,
  • Your gender and age,
  • The length of time you have held driver’s license,
  • Whether you use your car for business or not,
  • Whether you have taken a driver’s education course or not,
  • Whether you have violated the Highway Safety Code, and
  • Whether you have caused or been in accident or not.

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PEI Auto Insurance News

The Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) will be speaking to the Prince Edward Island Superintendent of Insurance to bring pay-as-you-go auto insurance to the island. CAA launched a pilot project in Ontario last summer known as CAA MyPace. The project would be allowing drivers to monitor how much they drive and also to pay auto insurance only based on the mileage they drive.

Although there is no guarantee that pay-as-you-go will come to PEI but the president of CAA Insurance, Matthew Turack, said that it would be speaking with regulators in all of the four Atlantic provinces to incorporate the program in the future. He said they would work with each of the provinces, leveraging on the experiences they have gotten from Ontario.

Turack added that for those in the pay-as-you-go program, drivers pay in 1,000-kilometer increments and that mileage is measured by plugging a USB-sized device into the car. He said that this would make it easier for people to pay for the mileage the drive in a verified way and that it gives more control to the driver.

To learn more about Prince Edward Island auto insurance news click here.

PEI Auto Insurance FAQ

How do PEI Auto Insurance rates compare to other provinces?

What is the minimum requirement for PEI Auto Insurance?

How are Prince Edward Island auto insurance rates determined?

How is an accident fault determined in PEI?

What are the laws that affect Prince Edward Island auto insurance?

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