Quebec Health Insurance

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Quebec Health Insurance Overview

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Quebec is one of the most populated provinces in Canada, second only to Ontario in population; it is the largest province by land area and second largest administrative division, second only to Nunavut. It is bounded by other provinces such as Ontario, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick and some U.S states. Quebec residents primarily speak French and unlike some other Canadian provinces, French is the official language in Quebec.

Quebec health profile of December 2013 shows that 50.5% of Quebec residents are overweight or obese, with 33.4% overweight while 17.1% obese.

To learn more about healthcare in Quebec, click here.

What does the Quebec Health Plan not cover?

The Quebec health insurance plan is managed by the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec (health insurance board), popularly known as  RAMQ. The health insurance plan does not cover medical services that are considered unnecessary or not required. These include the following:

  • Acupuncture
  • Services rendered for cosmetic reasons.
  • Consultations by email, regular mail, phone or fax.
  • Psychoanalysis not required in an authorized facility

Optometric services not covered by the provincial health plan

Several optometric services are covered by Quebec provincial plan, such as emergency examinations performed by optometrists, but some services are not covered.

These services include:

  • Examinations to obtain a driver’s license.
  • Optical coherence tomographies.
  • Purchasing, fitting and replacement of contact lenses or eyeglasses.
  • Necessary treatments following an eye emergency.
  • Optomaps or photos of the retina.

To get a vision care quote, click here.

Prescription drugs not covered by the provincial health plan

Residents insured under the Public Prescription Drug insurance plan of the provincial health plan can take advantage of the features available in the prescription drug program.

However, not all pharmaceutical services are covered under the provincial plan. Pharmaceutical services not specified in the regulation regarding the basic prescription drug insurance plan are not covered.

To get Prescription Drug Health quote click here.

Dental coverage not covered by the provincial health plan

The provincial plan caters for some services provided by dentists and denturists, however, not all services are covered.

Basically, services that are not specified in the regulation regarding the application of the health insurance act are not covered. Some of these include:

  • Orthodontics
  • Apicoectomies
  • Periodontics
  • Dental implants.
  • Pits and fissures sealants.

To get a Dental Health quote click here.

Quebec Health Insurance FAQ

I lost my Health card. How do I get a new one?

How do I add or remove my husband’s name on my card?

How will I know when my card expires?

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Quebec Health Updates

Quebec Health News

Since 2008, Quebec has offered a free vaccination program for girls. The program was expanded to include boys in 2016.

Originally, the program offered two doses of Gardasil9. However, with the new vaccine program, the program will be offering one dose of Gardasil9 and one dose of Cervarix. Parents can pay out of pocket (about $175) if they want their child to receive a second dose of Gardasil9.

HPV Awareness maintains that Quebec children deserve the same cancer protection as the rest of Canada. The new program is a cost-cutting measure but experts warn that it could put public health at risk.

To learn more about health care issues in Quebec click here

Quebec Health Statistics

Statistics on Quebec health care shows that in 2016 and 2017, the province has a total of 477,300 and 473,800 diabetics and a total of 618,100 and 583,200 asthmatic residents. Up to 1,284,700 and 1,306,700 residents were daily or occasional smokers in the two years.

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