Nunavut Health Insurance

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Nunavut Health Insurance Overview

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Nunavut is one of the three territories in Canada. It is the largest, newest and northernmost territory in Canada with a land area of 2.093 million kilometer square. Prior to April 1, 1999, Nunavut was a part of the Northwest Territories but it was officially separated from the Northwest Territories in 1999 through the Nunavut Act and the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Act. It is second least populated of the thirteen provinces and territories in Canada and with the greatest population growth rate, about 12.66% from the 2016 population estimate.

Health Profile 2013 showed that of the population of Nunavut aged 12 and above, only 38.1% perceived their health as very good or excellent as compared to 59.2% for the rest of Canada.

To learn more about healthcare in Nunavut, click here.

What does the Nunavut Health Plan not cover?

Nunavut health care plan covers a number of services including physician and hospital services. However, some services are not covered by the health care plan, such as:

  • Cosmetic surgery
  • Physiotherapy, psychological services, and speech therapy received in an uninsured hospital
  • Physical examination at the request of a third party
  • Services considered experimental
  • Alcohol and drug rehabilitation

Optometric services not covered by the provincial health plan

To get vision care quote, click here

Prescription drugs not covered by the provincial health plan

Prescription drugs are covered in Nunavut only if prescribed by a physician and administered in a hospital. EHB Full Coverage Plan will pay the full cost of approved prescription drugs listed in the NIHB formulary.

Inuks and natives registered according to the Indian Acts and infants under 1 year old who has an eligible parent can qualify for the non-insured health benefits program.

To get Prescription Drug Health quote click here.

Dental coverage not covered by the provincial health plan

Nunavut health plan covers some dental services such as specific procedures related to jaw disease or injury but not all dental services are covered, otherwise, dental services are not covered.

To get a Dental Health quote click here

Nunavut Health Insurance FAQ

Who is eligible for the coverage?

What does the plan cover?

How can I apply for the health care plan?

I lost my Health card. How do I get a new one?

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Nunavut Health Updates

Nunavut Health News

Mental health issues are one of the top concerns in western Nunavut, especially in Gjoa Haven area. Improved mental health services were among the top demands during the western Nunavut major meeting from September 18-20.

According to Joanni Sallerina, the major of Gjoa Haven, there have been a series of mental health issues and heartbreaks in the previous months in the community of about 1300 people. The major solicited for mental health services in every health facility and school and she beckoned on the Government of Nunavut to increase the number of mental health workers in the region.

To learn more about health insurance issues in Nunavut click here.

Nunavut Health Statistics

The Health Profile 2013 for Nunavut shows a high incidence of injury hospitalization, colon cancer, and lung cancer. The statistics show 871, 122, and 206.8 injury hospitalization, colon cancer age standardized incidence rate and lung cancer age standardized incidence rate respectively per 100,000 population for Nunavut as compared to 516, 49.9 and 56.9 respectively per 100,000 population for Canada in general.

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