Term 75 (T75) Sun Critical Illness Insurance

Term 75 (T75) Sun Critical Illness Insurance logo

A Right Critical Illness Protection up to Age 75

Sun critical illness provides adequate insurance coverage against 26 full-payout critical illness and 6 partial payout minor illnesses included in the plan. Child plan also includes additional 5 illnesses such as cerebral palsy, congenital heart disease, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy and type 1 diabetes mellitus. It is a comprehensive coverage with payouts for adults from $25,000 to $2.5 million and for children from $25,000 to $1 million. Several optional benefits are also included in the plan. For instance, you can choose to obtain disability waiver, return of premium upon cancellation or in the event of death.

Features and Benefits

To make it easy for the insured to understand their conditions better and leverage better treatment options, Best Doctors services are included in the plan. The cost of the Sun Critical illness insurance plans depends on the type of the plan, payment period and other factors such as the gender, age, medical history and smoking status of the insured.

  • The coverage amount for adults is between $25,000 and $2.5 million and for children between $25,000 and $1 million.
  • The plan has two payment options namely; pay by age 75 and pay for 15 years.
  • The premium amount for this plan is guaranteed not to increase during the duration specified in the policy.
  • The coverage ends when it is canceled, in the event of the insured’s death, or when the claim is paid for a full payout illness.



Additional resources

Learn more about your health insurance options from these informative articles.

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