Without question, investing is one of the best ways to secure your financial future, yet there are many common errors that we can make that have the potential to completely derail our progress. Have you begun your investment journey but are yet to see any viable profit? It could be the case that you are making some common investing mistakes. In order to avoid these in the future and see a better return within your portfolio overall, get to know the frequent missteps from the guide below so that you can move smarter in the future.
1. Not Having Clear Goals
Not having clearly defined financial goals is one of the biggest mistakes you can make as an investor. Without well-articulated investment goals, you have no roadmap or criteria to make decisions. Your investments will lack purpose and you’ll have no benchmarks to measure progress. Unclear goals often lead to emotional investing based on fear, hype, or short-term events. This rarely ends well.
To invest successfully, you need to set concrete goals like saving for retirement, college, or a down payment. Define the specific amount needed and the targeted time frame. This focuses your investment strategy so you can create an appropriate asset allocation, time horizon, risk tolerance, and periodic contribution plan. If it’s your first time in the investors market, consider a beginners guide like this one to get you started.
Well-defined goals allow you to filter out unsuitable investments and determine what you should invest in. They keep you disciplined when markets get volatile. Goals enable you to measure progress so you can adjust as needed. Taking the time to clearly identify your financial goals is a key step for smart, effective investing.
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2. Being Led by Your Heart
Emotion-led decision-making in investment is never ideal. While a part of what you do should be driven by gut instinct, there is little space at all for major emotional decisions. Instead, your investment moves should be based on facts, figures, and fortitude. Rational decisions are always smarter than emotional ones and this is the only way to ensure your portfolio is as protected as you can make it.
3. Failure to Diversify
Experts always say that a diverse portfolio is less risky, so what does yours look like? If you have only one set of stocks in there, and that is where all of your capital lies, then you are exposing yourself to significant financial downfall should it all blow up in your face. Instead, strive for investment strategies that cover various areas of the sector including mutual funds, futures, options, cryptocurrencies, and more. Just make sure you get to know each area before you put any money on the table.
4. Improper Research
One classic mistake that all investors make from time to time is forgetting to invest in research. If you don’t know what you are spending money on, how can you possibly yield positive results? Whereas, when you spend time and dedicate a part of the process to research various Canadian stocks and other markets too, you will be better placed to create informed strategies that perform better overall.
5. Playing It Too Safe
There is always space for being smart, but playing things too safe will limit what you can do and how much money you are able to make overall. A major part of investing is getting to know your risk tolerance, so how much can you handle? It’s important to figure this out, and quickly because this is the thing that will define how far you are willing to push your core strategies as you become more involved.
6. Playing It Too Risky
However, when you play it with too bold of a strategy then you are gambling too hard and too fast with your assets. So, there is a definite call for striking a balance between where you feel comfortable and pushing your limits. Don’t put all of your money into the same thing, and never, ever invest without knowing why you are doing it. For instance, investing in an asset because you heard from a speculative source that it is a done deal is not advisable. Instead, do your own research and make a decision based on facts.
7. Trying to Play the Market Timing Game
This is not exactly a game, so to speak, but it certainly feels like one to any who participates in this reckless act. Timing the market means making decisions based on what you think will happen in a shorter time frame as opposed to concentrating on the history and long-term projections. This only ever leads to costly financial mistakes and investing in the wrong place at the wrong time. The stock market is volatile and can shift at the whisper of a breeze so there is no way to accurately say what it will do at any given hour. Instead, concentrate on the big picture and plot a factual map of where things might shift based on patterns and economic influences.
8. Chasing Past Performance
Don't assume an investment will continue performing well just because it did well recently. Past returns don't predict future results. Chasing last year's top performer is often a mistake, since former high-flyers can come crashing down. Avoid buying into the hype and analyze the investment on its own fundamentals and merits looking forward. Past performance is not a good reason alone to invest in something.
9. Ignoring Fees
High fees, costs, and expenses can significantly reduce your long-term returns. Even fees that seem small can compound and erode returns over time. For example, a 1% annual fee on a $100,000 portfolio costs you $1,000 per year and $30,000 over 30 years. Review expense ratios, loads, transaction fees, and advisor fees to minimize costs. Lower fees mean more money in your pocket.
10. Not Reviewing Regularly
Investors often buy investments then let years pass without reviewing their portfolios. This is a mistake because investments can become poorly diversified or misaligned with your goals over time. Review your portfolio at least annually to rebalance asset classes that have drifted from targets. Regularly reviewing keeps your investments on track as life changes.
Looking to Diversify Your Portfolio?
Consider real estate investing.
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The Takeaway
In conclusion, avoiding common investing mistakes is the first step towards becoming a successful investor. Remember, building wealth takes time and a strategic approach. At Insurdinary, we understand the importance of securing your financial future. Smart investors are insured investors, and that's exactly what we specialize in. Explore a wealth of investing resources on our website to make informed decisions and protect your investments. Start your journey towards financial security today with Insurdinary - your trusted partner to a brighter financial future.